This restorative dentistry course how to implement a process of occlusal therapy within their dental practice. Equilibration is a cornerstone for treatment of occlusal disease, and as such, any dentist who wishes to practice complete dentistry must know how to perform all aspects of it correctly. As a participant, you will discover the importance of the trial equilibration and be given the opportunity to adjust several different case types to ensure your complete understanding of the material presented. This complete dentistry dental continuing education course includes lectures, videos of patient treatment, and hands-on exercises to provide you with the knowledge and confidence to return home and implement occlusal treatments in your practice on Monday morning.
This reviews how to:
- Design a stable, minimal stress occlusion (lines on the front, dots on the back).
- Recognize when to equilibrate your patient, and when other options should be considered.
- Identify how to schedule the equilibration appointment.
- Choose appropriate articulation paper to mark each type of occlusal interference.
- Assess when an occlusal splint should be considered prior to reshaping, repositioning or restoring.
- Evaluate how to efficiently equilibrate the natural dentition.
- Select, train and work with a dental assistant to efficiently adjust an occlusal splint and/or equilibrate the dentition.
- Verify when to use a full arch occlusal splint, and when to use an anterior deprogramming appliance.